Steve Densley Institute Scholarship
U.S. Chamber Institute of Organization Management Scholarship
Annually, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce holds a series of educational classes called the Institute of Organizational Management. They are held at a variety of locations around the nation. The closest to Utah Association of Chambers members is typically the West Institute held in Los Angeles.
Institute is designed to help chamber executives better understand the importance of Chamber work and its complexities. It gives you the opportunity to connect with other chambers around the nation who have similar problems and difficulties. You are taught by professionals from colleges around the nation as well as other experienced chamber executives.
Many chambers must build into their budget a continuing education fund. This is something that each board must seriously look at and set aside funds at this time of the year for attendance.
The Utah Association of Chambers has established a special scholarship, the Steve Densley Institute Scholarship, to help first time Institute attendees be able to take advantage of the program. The qualifications for the award scholarship are as follows:
- You must be a current member of the State chamber.
- You must be a paid, professional chamber executive.
- Your chamber board must be supportive of continuing your education.
- Up to three $500 scholarship awards per year will go toward Institute* tuition.
- The Scholarships will be paid upon approval of the Utah Association of Chambers Board of Directors and acceptance into the program by submitting an invoice to the board.
- A scholarship letter of request, letter of approval from your board, and professional resume or bio must be submitted to the board of directors no later than February 15th of each year.
- The board will select all scholarship recipients and they will be notified by April 1 each year.
- First time paid Executives are encouraged to apply.
For more information, please email Heidi Walker at hwalker@slchamber.com.
*Or other related leadership conferences provided by U.S. Chamber, ACCE or WACE to be approved by the board