We enter this legislative session with vigor to improve our community and the quality of life for Utah families through business advocacy for policies that expand opportunity and prosperity. As the economic shock of the pandemic recedes, new challenges come into focus. The problems we confront are complex and will require our best collaboration to address them now for future success. The Salt Lake Chamber is committed to convening our business leaders to find common ground on policy solutions.

This session brings a renewed emphasis on economic fundamentals in order to get the other challenges right. These revolve around our excellent business climate and setting the stage for economic prosperity across Utah. As part of this backdrop, we must continue to develop environmental solutions and think beyond the Wasatch Front with housing development and remote work.

Energy is a critical focus for the Chamber because its cost and development reach every aspect of our lives. The importance of energy policy will continue to impact costs in the short term; therefore, we must continue to support a transition to an increasingly sustainable and reliable energy future.

Housing also remains a top priority, and innovative thinking around housing policy must drive our agenda to increase units, zoning reform and future infill development. Attention to this area will be necessary to provide a place for our growing workforce.

Last of note is water. The historic drought enveloping Utah and the southwest is bringing the importance of sustainable resource management into focus. The Chamber has a longstanding commitment to policy that improves our natural beauty and environment. Our advocacy for clean air and building water infrastructure to augment conservation is a policy imperative this session.

Similarly, a low tax and regulatory environment will provide the predicate for a robust business landscape capable of solving problems and giving back to the community.

By bringing these pillars together, we will form a strong foundation for our policy success and the opportunity society we strive to create in Utah. Our business community, in partnership with our elected officials, can keep our state at the pinnacle of innovation, governance and shared responsibility to care for one another.

We thank all our civic and community leaders for working together and seeking common ground to overcome our shared challenges. We remain dedicated to providing the space and resources to build one of the most vibrant and engaged communities in the nation. Together we can achieve these worthy goals!

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*Note: The Salt Lake Chamber acts as the policy arm of the Utah Association of Chambers.